Thursday, 16 July 2015

We could practice a little selflessness

I am a big believer in good, a very big believer. Yet I find it so funny that people remain close to so called friends who wouldn’t lift a finger if they were in need. What I mean to say is that hardly anything these days can just come from the heart like pure love toward another human being, giving a helping hand to someone and not expecting anything in return.

We live in a society where people only want themselves to benefit from money; time and many others that no one is really interested in the way things they do or say actually hurt a person or a peer. I am all for jokes I take a joke quiet well, I can insult a peer only if I know we have that level of understanding that the insult actually comes from the heart and not just because you are trying to be nasty.

It seems that we as a society have this attitude of completely misunderstanding a situation. I can tell you I have a hand full of friends, literally the amount I can count on both my hands, the ones that make effort for you or just check up how you are doing once in a while the ones you don’t have to speak to constantly but yet every once in a while will get a phone call to catch up and make plans in real life not just say that you need to make plans and then never come round to doing it. The diamonds in the rough that carry you through all life and its struggles and other exceedingly happy times.

I don’t like jealously, its something I can’t stand. The only person your hurting is yourself. The people I am talking about is the ones that decide to make other plans to spite you because something from work came up or you literally have a family members birthday to attend.  There is no other way to put it …but as the spiteful ones.  

Its taken me many years to figure out who these people are, but people who have any intention of doing something to hurt you directly after you’ve done nothing wrong is not worthy of being a friend in your life, friends should be their to uplift you, to tell you the hardcore truth that nobody would want to tell you but because they don’t want you to get hurt or make silly decisions and they will be open enough to give you their heart felt opinion.

I am not saying you need to be the perfect friend, I know we all have our flaws, trust me I have a lot where that comes from but does it really hurt you or the ones around you to be genuinely caring and loving without expecting to get that love or kindness back in any form.

Expectations are the main cause to people feeling upset, its not about how much effort the one friend puts in that the effort you show to the friendship should be the same. Its hard to find genuine people these days who are so open to giving so much love to others without any expectations but the one and only outcome being that they feel better about themselves for being a caring person and helping their peers out. I encourage everyone to be a little kinder, open, giving and mostly more understanding you really never know how much people appreciate it.

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